CS Simmons Engineering provides welding services compliant with various ASTM International Standards as well others, such as API 6A, and can provide welding test results such as Dye Penetrant Inspection Reports and Radiographic Inspection Reports if required. CS Simmons Engineering has worked with Code A Weld, who conveniently have a branch located only a few miles away, to develop Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) to comply with various welding standards often requested by its customers. This allows for a one-stop shop approach to both Precision CNC Machining and Standards Compliant Welding for machined components. CS Simmons Engineering also uses Code A Weld for Dye Penetrant Inspection and Radiographic Inspection, as and when required. Compliance with such welding standards is often an essential requirement within the oil and gas industry, as well as in many other industries.